Sunday, August 5, 2012

Analyzing Harry Potter Part 1

So, Harry Potter, a rather interesting series that obviously started out as a mere children's book. It was not around the time of Goblet of Fire and the production of the first movie started where everything started to really explode. Of course, one could consider Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix the absolute pinnacle of Potter.

Then obviously, I think around the gap between the fifth and sixth book, there was some kind of rather splinter in the fanbase. Everyone who grew up with the stories, had their own theories. Many of them quite mad. Yet, regardless of those theories, the last two books were rather polarizing.

Really, I think that you could make the argument that this was around the time where the movies were big, so that really affected the last two books. Of course, there were some signs of the twisted world Harry Potter was in. Reading these books through adult eyes can really be an interesting experience. Let's delve into Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone Chapter 1 to see just where the insanity and I'm going to jump to some rather wild conclusions, based on things I've learned.

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone Chapter One the Boy Who Lived Analysis

We meet the Dursleys. The neighborhood gives a very eerie vibe. You know that kind of neighborhood where everything looks too creepy and orderly. Where you almost feel safer driving through a part of town with street crime. Due to the fact that said neighborhood is ominous with it's perfection.

As for the house, well Petunia obviously runs the show. Vernon for all of his bluster and all of his loud mouth actions, is obviously rather hen pecked in many ways. Then again, this seems to be a common theme in the books. Women run the house, the men are rather browbeaten and compliant and cower before the women.

Not accusing anyone, just pointing out an observation.

Vernon has a phobia of anything rather strange. Is this because of a strict upbringing or some kind of past trauma? Or perhaps the fact that there is mental illness in his family and he wants to avoid it by being normal as possible.

It is obvious Vernon Dursley is kind of paranoid as well. He hears the "Potters" and the first people that comes to mind what his wife's relatives. Granted, it was true but still, Vernon Dursley is rather paranoid.

The cat does not improve his mood. As we know, that's Minerva McGonagall, but we'll get to her in a minute.

Dumbledore shows up for the first time. To me, Dumbledore is a character who really started out doing right, but took on too much responsibilities. He had some real micro management issues. Plus every single person deferred to him, so obviously he started to believe that. His family history from the seventh book really does give insight to that.

McGonagall is there and she's annoyed with Dumbledore. Also obviously Lily and James were two students that she admired, so she's broken up. She actually is one of the few characters who actually seems to be normal. Yet, she's sucked into the whirlwind of insanity.

Hagrid, here's a character that obviously seems to be a favorite and I can see why people would like him. He's not doing anything malevolent but he's gullible. His loyalty to Dumbledore really becomes more obvious. He retrieved Harry without any question, just because it was Dumbledore.

Okay, leaving a fifteen month old right on the doorstep is obviously horrifying for a number of reasons.

By this point, Harry should be walking and walking around rather well. If he woke up and went out to explore, who knows what might have happened.

Plus, someone might pick him up and do God only knows what.

Granted, there's magic, which seems to be the catch all explanation to explain the things that cannot be explained.

So, Dumbledore did a drop and dash with Harry Potter. Wonderful job, Dumbledore, your control complex is great.

He knew the Dursleys would not take him.

Voldemort is mentioned. He's done some really bad things, that were described in later books but only hinted out. Sirius Black was a name that was mentioned, just a brief note. Yet, come book three, Sirius Black would be a very prominent name.

So the first chapter was an interesting one, and lead some interesting groundwork. The Harry Potter World of Magic is an intriguing one and how so many people can be messed up. These books are interesting through adult eyes and with certain understanding of other things.

Then again, a rather good children's book.

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