Sunday, August 28, 2011

Classic Video Games: X-Men The Arcade Game

I Am Magneto, Master of Magnet!

Chances are if you were a child of the late eighties or early nineties, you were extremely familiar with the X-Men Arcade Game put out by Konami in 1992, based loosely off of the Pryde of the X-Men cartoon, the pilot to the X-Men animated feature that never was. You know, the X-Men Cartoon where Wolverine had an Australian Accent. Yeah don’t quite know what they were thinking. It was the 1980s, what do you expect? This was a fun game, good mindless fun, for the youth of the early 1990s. Not to mention it had a wide variety of X-Men characters. Let’s take a look at this game, as Magneto welcomes the X-Men to Die!

X-Men The Arcade Game Review

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