Thursday, November 24, 2011

Green Lantern Beware My Power

The long awaited world premiere of Green Lantern the Animated Series made its debut on November 11th 2011 on Cartoon Network. It is a two part episode that aired as a one hour premier entitled, Beware My Power. Green Lanterns Hal Jordan and Killwog go up against the destructive Red Lantern Corps.

Green Lantern the Animated Series Beware My Power.

One word to describe this episode, “awesome.” It was a rather fun action packed hour of action. One could really get the feel of the characters just by sitting down and soaking in this entire episode. Lots of explosions, fight scenes, and also some character development as well. Which is a rather key balance for any animated comic book adaptation, as you got to develop your characters but we want some action.

I’m happy to say that the world premiere of Green Lantern the animated series delivered. The Red Lanterns were rather interesting choices, their motivation is pure rage and vengeance. They are vengeance, they are the night, but they most certainly are not Batman. Although, when I saw Zox in this episode, I was like, “Hey, MODOK, fancy seeing you in a DC cartoon.” Funnily enough, Zox was voiced by Tom Kenny, who voiced MODOK in the Super Hero Squad Show and of course is most famously the voice of Spongebob Squarepants.

The Red Lanterns due have their motivations even if it is destructive. And the Guardians of the Universe, let’s face it, have been known to be some rather seedy characters in their own right. There is always something deceptive that they are involved in something that will end up blowing up in their face.

For the briefest moment, you almost did think that they blew up the entire planet. Although, it wasn’t really without a sacrifice. That was a bit of a tear jerker and if you’ve seen the episode, you know why. And if you haven’t, I highly recommend you should. The fight between Hal Jordan and Razer was rather epic.

Overall the world premiere of Green Lantern the Animated Series Beware My Power was a good episode. I don’t give premieres a perfect score, because I think that there is room for improvement later on, no matter how good the first episode is. Let’s thrown down a 9/10 Rating for this one. The show starts full time in 2012. I’m looking forward to it if this premier ins any indication.

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