Friday, January 27, 2012

Batman the Animated Series Episode 31 Cape and Cowl Conspiracy

It is time to take a look at Batman the Animated Series Episode 31 the Cape and the Cowl Conspiracy. A master of death traps named Josiah Wormwood is hired to trap Batman and steal his cape and cowl for mysterious purposes. Yet, there is more to this situation that does meet the eye to say the very least. Batman the Animated Series Episode 31 the Cape and the Cowl Conspiracy aired on October 14th 1992 on FOX.

Batman the Animated Series Episode 31 the Cape and the Cowl Conspiracy.

I thought this episode really did have an interesting dynamic and the death traps utilized in this episode was cool. There was a twist in retrospect that people should have seen coming but as watching it, it was framed in such a way that the Baron wanted revenge on Batman, as opposed to Batman posing as the Baron to extort where Wormwood had stashed some stolen bonds.

The thing is Batman is the World’s Greatest Detective, and when you’re a detective, you have to use some deceit to unearth great information to an extent. You have to think like the criminals and try and bait them into hoisting themselves upon their own petard. The reveal where Batman hired Wormwood to steal his own cape and cowl and eventually coaxed the information out of him to solve the mystery of this episode was great. When Batman revealed that he was posing as Baron Wacklaw Josak was pretty epic and Wormwood when he realized he had been had big time.

Also this episode was notable for the first appearance of the Bat Signal in this cartoon. Noted as such, as Batman comments that Commissioner Gordon has a new toy. So it was kind of cool to see one of the more famous parts of the Batman mythology.

Batman pretty much trolling Wormwood at the end, while sending him the Cape and the Cowl while Wormwood was in prison was great as well.

Is it the best episode? No, but I do admit, it is one that I do have quite a slight soft spot for. Death traps are pretty fun. As we look at this episode, let’s give it a nice 6.5/10 rating, which tends to be about my standard rating for bottom of the top or top of the bottom episodes. You can watch Batman the Animated Series Episode 31 the Cape and the Cowl Conspiracy on Batman the Animated Series Volume 2 DVD or Batman the Animated Series the Complete collection.