Sunday, March 11, 2012

Ultimate Spider-Man Premiers on Disney XD on April 1st 2012

So we are about three weeks away from Ultimate Spider-Man on Disney XD starting on April 1st 2012 on the Marvel Animation Block. I'm equal parts extremely excited and kind of nervous as well for this cartoon. I mean, on the one hand, Spider-Man is one of my favorite characters, so I really should be exciting. On the other hand, there is just something about this cartoon that just seems to be rather...I don't know. It may take me a while to warm up to it.

Ultimate Spider-Man Cartoon to start on Disney XD on Marvel Animated Block on April 1st 2012.

I do love me some Spider-Man, and obviously the last Spider-Man cartoon, Spectacular Spider-Man was beloved by many but cut down in its prime. And naturally the web slinger has had the worst of luck with his animated efforts being cut and sliced. Even the 1990s cartoon that did run five season, had some loose ends.

Marvel Animation over the last ten years has had some quality stuff and some week stuff. Avengers Earth's Mightiest Heroes is a carton I adore. X-Men Evolution was another cartoon that I thought was a classic. For what it was, I did have a spot on my heart for the Super Hero Squad Show. With other cartoons by Marvel, such as Wolverine and the X-Men, it could have been much more. Then again, that got entangled by the same legal trap when Disney bought Marvel. The Fantastic Four cartoon that aired might have been good, but it was a weak effort, not to mention it got screwed over by Cartoon Network and their moronic scheduling.

But that is another rant for another time.

The Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon that will be airing on Disney XD in a few weeks...I'm on the fence for. I'll be reviewing it but it will take me a little bit to warm up to this latest Spider-Man effort from Marvel. It does seem to be different than Spectacular Spider-Man which is a good thing for the simple reason as a lesser version of a cartoon is going to get more hate than a different version that might have a slightly weak premise. At least that's what I know from my experience.

This cartoon will be a bit more on the light hearted side. Slightly more serious than the Super Hero Squad show I'm imagining, but less so than Avengers Earth's Mightiest Heroes by a country mile. And if you got a Teen Titans vibe from some of the promotional material, than you are in good company. Still Disney could have a good cartoon for Ultimate Spider-Man or it could be another one right in the fail bin for Spider-Man. It can't be any worse than Spider-Man Unlimited. Which also didn't get an ending, I should note. Not that many lost much sleep over that.

There will be some leaning and breaking on the fourth wall. That might not be the best idea. It might be okay if done right. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles did it pretty well most of the time.

So in the end, Ultimate Spider-Man much like its name sake comment has potential and really could be good. Will Marvel have a good effort or will Marvel strike out? I'm sure the world is watching on Disney XD on April 1st 2012 for the premier of Marvel's latest animated effort, Ultimate Spider-Man. And of course season two of Avengers Earth's Mightiest Heroes on Disney XD.

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