Monday, April 9, 2012

Ultimate Spider-Man Doomed Review

The third episode of the Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon aired on Disney XD on April 8th 2012, on the Marvel Animated Universe Block at 11:00 AM Eastern Time on Disney XD. Our team tries to capture Doctor Doom and brings him back, but when dealing with Doom, deception is the order of the day. It is time to sit down and watch Ultimate Spider-Man Episode 3 Doomed.

Ultimate Spider-Man Episode 3 Doomed Review.

The reviews on this blog will be very different from the reviews in the archive pages down in the column from here forward, as they will be done after a day in hindsight, as opposed to just after a watch them, only I'm sure I'll come to some of the same conclusions. 

Well this show cracked the Internet in half when it premiered. And the problem is, a lot of the complaints, they are very much justified. And a lot of the complaints, they are not completely fair, only somewhat fair. Obviously accepting the quality of Spectacular Spider-Man is going to set yourself up for a great deal of disappointment.  I will say that I can see many things about this cartoon getting rather old, rather quickly.

Doctor Doom was actually competent enough in this episode, which earns it points for me. I think that the antics of the team, while obviously true to life for teenagers, are a little bit too true to life for teenagers, which is obviously not what you want. Because teenagers can in fact be obnoxious and I don't want to deal with their antics too much when I want to be entertained. There is a balance, but I'm not sure if this show intends to strike/

The team learns to be a team or perhaps they don't, because I just have a feeling this will be a lesson that is constantly reenforced again and again throughout this entire cartoon. Half of White Tiger's dialogue talking about the stupidity on the male members of the team, rather is going to get on my nerves. I think there are times where female characters tend to get undercut and then there are times where the creators of a show overcompensate in creating a strong female characters, thus dumbing down the other male characters. I fear that we might be going for the latter, but we shall see.

The jumps cuts rather tend to be either kind of amusing or mandate a rolling of the eyes. And they really did milk that image shot of Spider-Man and his jetpack. This episode wasn't all too bad, but it wasn't all that good either. 

To be fair, I did say that I would be giving this show a few episodes to find its feet, so I'll be grading it on a curve. As I also said, there are several elements on this show that are going to grow rather tiring. Young Justice has them as well and you don't have to use your imagination about what they might be. Overall I'm going seven points out of ten but that is very much graded on a very steep curve. If you want to watch more Spider-Man, then he's on every Sunday Morning on Disney XD.

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