The latest episode of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to air on Nickelodeon was titled New Friend, Old Enemy. Mikey becomes friends with a martial arts master named Chris Bradford, who A) looks like Chuck Norris, and B) is Shredder's top student.
Five points of interest to this episode.
1) I'm sure Mikey's fanboying for Mr. Bradford (or Rad Brad) likely spawned more than a few slash fiction ideas. Then again, Raph was being pretty snarky about it during this episode of the TMNT. Mikey acted like a star crossed lover.
2) Splinter's lecture about fair fights was interesting, and rather true. I mean, you're fighting ninjas that are trying to kill you. There is a time to fight fair, and there is a time just to win. That was showcased brilliantly when the Turtles finally dealt with the Foot Clan during this episode.
3) No Kraang this week, which is more than fine.
4) This April/Donatello romance is fine, as long is it remains rather one sided. It still kind of is creepy, but it's less creepy when it's just on the side of the Turtle.
5) Mikey and the kitten, that really was a hilarious scene. Especially the ninja kitty clawing Mikey up.
More thoughts for this latest episode of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are below.
TMNT 2012 New Friend Old Enemy
Overall a fun episode this week.
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