Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Iron Man Armored Adventures Season 2 Episode 12 All of the Best People Are Mad

It is time to take a look at Iron Man Armored Adventures Season 2 Episode 12 All of the Best People Are Mad. Rhona Erwin and her brother Andy turns the Tommorow Academy into a deadly maze of traps, with Tony Stark being forced to solve a number of puzzles, before his friends get utterly destroyed by these crazed students that are not all what they seem. Iron Man Armored Adventures Episode 2 Episode 12 All of the Best People are made aired on the Nicktoons Network for the first time on November 26th 2011.

Iron Man Armored Adventures Season 2 Episode 12 All of the Best People Are Mad.

I thought this episode was kind of disturbing for many reasons. For the record, yes all of the best people are in fact mad. But still our antagonist for this episode, Rhona Irwin, who had been somewhat of a bit player this season, finally snapped due to her thinking that Tony Stark took her place as the smartest student of the Tomorrow Academy. Managing to gas the entire school and then set it up in a deadly maze of traps.

That school really does need to get some better security. Rhona and her brother Andy, puts Tony Stark throught the paces, as he has to save Pepper, Rhodey, Happy, and Whitney from deadly death traps devised by the diabolic duo.

Stan Lee would be proud of that alliteration.

Needless to say, when Tony gets the end of the course, Rhona devises an impossible puzzle for him to solve and a bomb which blows up the school with everyone in it. Naturally Tony Stark can do anything in a cave with a box of scraps, so he manages to disable the bomb with chewing gum, a hair pin, and clippers.

MacGyver would be proud.

Rhona is nucking futs in more than one way and she sends her brother Andy, who happens to be an android. She built an android brother and there were some creepy vibes between their relationship that indicated that they were close than your standard brother and sister relationship, if you catch my drift. Tony suits up as Iron Man and saves the day.

As it turns out, Rhona Erwin is really Rhona Burchill, who is the Ultimate Marvel Comics version of the Mad Thinker. She escaped from Ravencroft Asylum and she was sent there after she tried to blow up her old school. Ravencroft is essentially to Marvel what Arkham Asylum is to Batman. She is lead off by a doctor, who is revealed by an android, likely built by her.

Nice reference to Hank Pym, better known as Ant Man, Yellow Jacket, Goliath, and likely about five names. And there’s that other thing that he’s known for but let’s stop beating it into the ground.

I did enjoy this episode a lot, even if a lot of it really stretched conventional belief about how someone could gas an entire school and rig it up into a complex maze of traps. Then again, given some of the best comic book characters are teenagers who got their powers by a genetically altered spider, mild mannered scientists who turn into hulking green monsters when you make them mad, a man with metal bones and claws that can heal from anything, the last survivor of an alien planet who wears underwear outside of his clothes, and a rich billionaire who spends his nights dressed as a giant bat, I think realism is the last thing we need to worry about right now.

So give this one a 7/10. You can watch Iron Man Armored Adventures Season 2 Episode 12 All of the Best People are Mad on the video section of the Iron Man Armored Adventures section on the Nicktoons website or on the Nicktoons Network.

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