Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Batman the Animated Series Episode 28 Dreams in Darkness

It’s time to take a look at Batman the Animated Series Episode 28 Dreams in Darkness. In this episode, the Scarecrow returns to plague Gotham, as he tries to filter his fear toxin into the water supply under Arkham Asylum. Meanwhile Batman gets a dose of the gas and suffers from his own hallucinations, while having to stop the Scarecrow’s twisted scheme to cause an entire city to be gripped in paralyzing fear and hallucinations. Batman the Animated Series Dreams in Darkness episode 28 Dreams in Darkness aired on November 3rd 1992 on FOX.

Batman the Animated Series Episode 28 Dreams in Darkness

This episode right off the bat starts off with Batman in a straightjacket in Arkham Asylum. Okay, that got my attention. Has Batman finally lost his sanity by fighting the most insane criminals of the city and is their fellow inmate? Or is something more sinister afoot.

Batman tells the story, of his sanity being unraveled due to a trial run of one of Scarecrow’s henchmen to drug a health spa with fear toxin being unfoiled. Batman saves the day, but both the Bat and the henchman had been poisoned. Batman can still take antidote but that will leave him sedated for two full days. Obviously that’s unacceptable for Batman, with Scarecrow on the loose.

Yes indeed, Scarecrow has escaped Arkham…again. And he’s right under their nose quite literally. The administration at Arkham Asylum where their inmates include the Joker, Scarecrow, Mad Hatter, Two Face, Poison Ivy, and other sadistic potential killers really are the most incompetent.

Scarecrow’s plan in this episode, with the drugging the Arkham Water supply, kind of a bit of a sneak peak to Batman Begins in many ways, isn’t it?

Batman’s hallucinations are about as messed up as messed up can be. When I watched this episode as a child, it kind of freaked me out. Watching it as an adult, it’s still pretty powerful. Him hallucinating running over Robin on the road, the various members of his rogues gallery coming at him with him unable to fight himself, and naturally, a giant version of the gun that killed his parents, dripping in a red liquid. That obviously may as well be blood.

Messed up for sure in many ways.

Batman is able to fight through everything, struggling as he descends further and further into potential madness, as he escapes the Arkham Guides when they sedate him. He manages to beat Scarecrow and his men, despite mass hallucinations. Scarecrow had back up controls but despite Batman’s imagining of the cable being a poisonous snake, he manages to pull it just in the nick of time, saving Gotham City from certain doom.

And Scarecrow gets hoisted upon his own petard, getting a dose of his own fear toxin. Batman manages to recover in the Bat Cave and all is well.

A rather powerful and moody episode, as seeing Batman locked up in Arkham Asylum is really something that just grabs you by the throat. Give Batman the Animated Series Episode 28 Dreams in Darkness a 9/10 rating. Watch Batman the Animated Series Episode 28 Dreams in Darkness on Batman the Animated Series Volume 1 or Batman the Animated Series the Complete Collection.