Friday, January 6, 2012

Ten Ways that TV Tropes Can Ruin Your Life

As many may know on the Internet, TV Tropes is an amusing, but time wasting website. It pretty much describes everything that is really anything through various genres of fiction, offering tropes, which describe certain themes that are commonly used. It can be a good way to eat up every single moment of your free time during the weekend.

Ways that TV Tropes Can Ruin Your Life

Ruin might be a harsh word, but people who step right onto TV Tropes may never be the same. They completely see things entirely everywhere. They start seeing tropes everywhere and that can really cause them a great deal of frustration.

There are many ways how TV Tropes has in fact ruined your life.

1. You use various tropes as ideas of why a television series is either good or bad, citing good application of said tropes and bad applications of sad tropes.

2. After you see the latest episode of your favorite television show/watched a new movie/read a new book/whatever, the first thing you do is head onto TV Tropes to see whether or not the various tropes you noticed are on that page. Or if it even has a page on TV Tropes.

3. You tend to slip tropes into various conversations, thus causing people who might not have ever visited on the website to not know what the hell you might be talking about.

4. You click on a link that is posted and curse the person that posted as it leads to TV Tropes and you know that entire afternoon has been shot.

5. You read up on various television shows that you have no interest whatsoever in, because they were mentioned on a tropes page. Or that you start watching something obsessively due to its mention on the TV Tropes page.

6. If you write any kind of literature for fun or for profit, you go out of your way to not put certain tropes in your story.

7. If you write any kind of literature for fun or for profit, you go out of your way to put certain tropes in your story, hoping that it gets mentioned on TV Tropes.

8. You ever been late for school/work/a date/the dentist due to following links on TV Tropes.

9. You treat what is written on TV Tropes as the gospel more than most people do major religions.

10. You have ever crashed an Internet browser by having one too many tabs opened on TV Tropes.

11. You write a list about ways that TV Tropes has ruined your life.

In the end, its only entertainment, something for fun, but many have been sucked into the black hole of the Internet that is TV Tropes. If you’ve never been there, then do yourself a favor and don’t. Unless you have way too much time on your hands and if that’s the case, that particular affliction will be cured with a trip to TV Tropes.

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