Friday, February 17, 2012

Amazing Spider-Man Movie-Just Wait and See

There has been a lot of debate online and by Spider-Man fans about the Amazing Spider-Man movie, the reboot from the Spider-Man movies. There have been many people who really are looking forward to the reboot, many people who are a bit agitated and are fans of the original movies, wanting those go on, and then there are people who think it might be a couple years too soon for a reboot. Regardless of the complaints of fans, Amazing Spider-Man is ready to roll this July 2012.

I think we should just wait and see what is going to happen.

The Nature of a Reboot

I do remember back in 2005, there were many people wondering about the Batman reboot. Granted, by then, the taste of the previous “effort” Batman and Robin(which might have been gloriously overstated in its awfulness even if it is pretty bad, but that is another subject for another time). There were people wondering if Batman had been tainted forever. Batman Begins was a rather good movie and The Dark Knight blew that one out of the water. The Dark Knight Rises…we’re going to have to wait and see whether that movie reverses the curse, where the third movie in a series is often mediocre at best.

The Amazing Spider-Man movie has many complaints. They don’t like the actor, they don’t like the villain, they don’t like it’s not like the old Spider-Man movie. We’re going to hear this song and dance every time a reboot is going to be announced. It is really nothing new. The Spider-Man movies with Toby McGuire did have their share of fans, and fans tend to have a hard time letting the past go.

Many times, they get shocked with something awesome. And other times they feel justified. We don’t know until we see it on the big screen. A reboot is rather tricky, as everything gets dialed back to square one, well at least in theory. Still there will always be people comparing the movie to what came before it, in all mediums.

A property such as Spider-Man will always do big business in the theaters. Will it be a critical hit or a disastrous miss? Time will tell. Fan boys and girls and casual fans alike will be watching for July 2012 when Amazing Spider-Man hits the screens.. It may be awesome or it may be a disaster. The trailers are out but trailers only tell a fraction of the story. And often times mislead.