Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Word Geek is No Longer An Insult

The word “geek” (or “nerd” or “dork” or any other thing you want to say) at one time had a very negative stigma. At one time things like reading comic books, playing video games, or watching cartoons was reacted rather snidely to. Even at one time, the Internet was something that was used by only the lowliest of nerds. However over time, geeks have become the majority of earth. It just proves that we geeks were not someone who wasn’t into the popular trends, but rather, we were rather ahead of the popular trends.

Geek Is No Longer a Dirty Word

Video games tend to be a huge business, with many people dedicating hours and hours of time with developing complex games, for people of all walks off life and those fans turning around and playing them. The stereotypical vision of the pimple faced buck tooth gamer with thick glasses and suspenders has been all but eliminated in the world. Comic book movies, once known as only a curiosity, had done big business and movies such as the Dark Knight, the X-Men Movies, Spider-Man movies, Iron Man, and more have caused an entirely new group of comic book readers to be born. Reading comic books is not something that basement dwellers do anymore(although given how well Marvel and DC seems to treat their fans sometimes, you just wonder how much they have gotten that fact).

Even the Internet, one of the most popular forms of communication in the world, one of the widest news networks, was once the one the most nerdy things in the world to do. Yet it has become so mainstream it is almost scary. Of course you’ve got to take the bad with the good, with cyber bullying, scams, viruses, spyware, malware, and the like. So it might have been a bad thing as well as a good thing.

Of course in the end, the geeks have won. We have really triumphed over the world of the jocks and the  popular. Anyone who thinks that “geek”, “nerd”, “dork” or whatever, is really either the most pathetic stereotypical bully or missing the point. And perhaps deep down in denial. Embrace your inner geek.